
How To Not Get Attached To A Man In Early Dating
What if attachment isn’t a problem you need to fix? What if your attachment is the symptom of a different problem you may have never considered? In this video I’ll reveal why: Attachment isn’t a problem What attachment is and why it’s a good thing...

How To Give A Man Space So He Misses You And Comes Back
Struggling to give a man space so he misses you and comes back? Struggling to give a man space because you’re constantly anxious, constantly thinking about him? Do you just “want to know” what he's thinking, what he's doing, and how intentions for...

How To Create A Relationship With Your Mind
Do you push good men away? Do you attract emotionally unavailable men? Do you continue to have less than satisfying relationships with men? Do you attract men who are "not ready to commit"? Are you just confused and frustrated with being single and...

Why It’s Hard To Be Vulnerable In Your Relationship
Let's talk about how to be vulnerable in your relationships. To really, truly make a man fall deeply in love with you - to make him feel he can’t and don’t want to lose you, you must be willing to be vulnerable in your relationship. This is why you...

He Will Date You, But He Won’t Commit
Men will date you? But men just won't commit to you? You found a man you have a special connection with. He just won't commit to a relationship. Maybe he likes you but won't commit. He talks about the future but won't commit. He won't commit but...

What To Do When He Loses Interest In today's video I want to talk about what to do if a man that used to be interested in you has suddenly lost interest and has disappeared. This is a really common scenario and I'll share my own personal experience....

Make Him Regret Losing You – 4 Tips Guaranteed to Work! In today's video I want to talk about how to make a man regret losing you. As you know I'm not a fan of talking about controlling or manipulating or you know trying to control a man, but in this video I...
What It Takes To Be A High Value Woman Hello Sassy Beauties, This is Katie and welcome back to my channel. I want to give a quick shout out to all you lovely people who left beautiful messages on my YouTube videos or sent me Instagram comments. I highly...
How To Make A Man Miss You In 2020 (The High Value Method) This is not the typical kind of advice you hear. If you want a man to truly miss you, think about you and desire you, but you DON'T want to work for him (because it's exhausting and you shouldn't have to work for his...
When A Man Ignores You Ignore Him Back Tactic (THIS WORKS!) When A Man Ignores You Ignore Him Back Tactic (THIS WORKS!) What do you do when a man ignores you? Or if you’re wondering “what does it mean when he ignores me then he comes back?” It’s frustrating, it’s infuriating...